
At Simpson’s Lane Academy, we recognise the important role transition plays in making sure that children are able to deal with the changes that they experience as they move through the academy. Because of this, we consider all points of transition both into and out of the academy and put appropriate strategies in place to support the children.

Joining our academy in Foundation Stage

Children begin Nursery, providing there are places, during the term after their third birthday. We will contact parents/carers in advance to discuss Nursery and answer any questions you may have and how you think we can best support your child to transition successfully into Nursery. Before your child starts, you will be invited to a Parent Stay and Play session. This allows for the parents and children to familiarise themselves with our Nursery setting and meet the staff.

Once the term starts, we will admit children into Nursery gradually to allow them to settle. Most children settle into Nursery quickly and happily.

Transition to Foundation Stage 2

We have a large amount of Nursery pupils that are allocated places within our Reception class. Our Foundation Stage 2 unit consists of two classes which work together as one unit. This means the children work across both classes to access all areas of learning.

The families that do not attend our Nursery will be contacted by the EYFS Leader and will be asked to share the information about the current Nursery their child attends. The EYFS Leader will then contact the Nurseries and arrange a visit to them. Parents are invited to a Taster session before their child starts. This is to share information and give parents the opportunity to meet the staff and see the unit their child will be working in. At the meeting, they will be handed information about preparing their child and themselves for starting school in September.

All children will receive a Simpson’s Lane Book bag with resources included to support parents with home learning.

Transition from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1

As an academy, we are aware that it can be a daunting experience for children moving from Foundation Stage into Year 1. To help the children prepare our teachers from the EYFS and Year 1 collaborate to share information and good practice. Year 1

teachers are given time in July to familiarise themselves with the children in Foundation before transition takes place. Year 1 teachers are very knowledgeable about the EYFS curriculum and have received CPD around this. Year 1 teachers are given time with the EYFS teachers to share the data and the current cohort of pupils. This includes Phonics Tracker, EYFS end of year assessments, observations and Children’s Characteristics of Effective Learning.

The EYFS Leader shares analysis of data with the Year 1 staff to identify children who did not achieve the ELGs in areas identified by the school as a priority e.g. phonics, reading, writing, speech and language and maths etc.

In July, children in the Foundation Stage spend some morning in their future classrooms with their new teachers to get to know the environment and start building positive relationships before they move into Year 1.

Towards the end of the academic year in Reception, the following activities take place to ensure the transition from EYFS into Year 1 is as seamless as possible for all of our children.

Story time transitions. Year 1 Practitioners make regular visits to the Foundation Stage to read familiar stories. EYFS practitioners also take the Foundation Stage children to Year 1 classes to have a story in their soon to be learning environment.

School assemblies. EYFS children begin to attend assemblies to become increasingly familiar with whole school routines and a larger audience.

Transition meetings for Parents/Carers. These are delivered in the hall or classroom areas and also involves a tour of KS1. Additional transition meetings are organised for children with learning difficulties if needed. Multi agencies may also be involved with this. Transition books unique to children’s specific needs are made for children who may need additional support with the transition process. These are shared with Parents/Carers, as well as EYFS/Year 1 Practitioners.

Whole school transition week. During this week each year group move up to their new class. This enables relationships to develop further as well as routines.

Transition beyond Simpson’s Lane Academy to Key Stage Three

Moving from primary school to secondary school is an exciting time of life, but for many children it can also be a daunting experience. At Simpson’s Lane Academy we go over and above to support children through this sometimes difficult time.

High schools are invited to introduce themselves to children and special days are arranged in which our pupils can experience life in Year 7. They also have the opportunity to meet their teachers and even take part in lessons through transition sessions, where our staff accompany them on the visits. We inform parents when Open Evening sessions at the high schools will be happening and encourage them to attend. We also invite the secondary school’s Pastoral Leads to visit the children in the academy to answer any questions our children may have before they begin their secondary school journey.

Before the children transition, our Year 6 teachers collaborate with the high school to give them any additional information they feel the high school will need to know to allow for a successful transition. Children with SEND or Vulnerable children have a bespoke package of transition that may look different to the core offer.

Parents are also helped with applications and if you have any concerns or problems with finding the best high school for your child, Miss Coopey, our Acting Assistant Principal, is here to help you.

The most popular high schools with our parents are: