We promote a ‘whole school approach’ to teaching and learning which involves staff adopting a model of high quality inclusive practice. This aims to:
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum, offering children a range of experiences which are relevant to their present and future interests and needs
- maximise each child’s opportunities to experience success and achievement and to develop a positive self-image
- remove barriers to learning by understanding the needs of all pupils
As an inclusive school, children with every type of need, including all categories of SEND such as cognition and learning difficulties, speech language and communication difficulties, social, emotional and mental health difficulties and sensory and physical difficulties, are supported and we endeavour to ensure that every child in our school makes good progress and is well prepared for adulthood. The school liaises with external agencies such as WISENDSS and Educational Psychologists to ensure the best provision is in place for the children.
All children are different, so we spend time identifying the individual needs of all children, whether they have a special educational need or not, before they enter the academy and throughout their school life.
Sometimes, we are informed about their needs by parents; sometimes by external agencies already working with them; sometimes needs are identified as we get to know the child and realise that they are not making the expected level of progress, often because they cannot access the curriculum in the same way as other children their age can. Class teachers will plan work and interventions accordingly so that the child is making progress and is accessing a curriculum that is right for them.
The academy takes its responsibility around equality and inclusion seriously, each child is treated as an individual and valued for their uniqueness – for those with specific additional needs or disabilities we work hard to ensure their admission to the academy is seamless.
When admitting children with disabilities an assessment of need and risk assessment will be completed to ensure provision meets the child’s needs and to identify any further adjustments that may be needed.
Children with SEND have interventions and differentiation in the teaching to work towards agreed outcomes. These outcomes are decided by the class teacher with parental involvement and are evaluated each term. These outcomes are documented on a Phase 2, a My Support Plan or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
To ensure a smooth transition in school for SEND children, when moving classes in school:
- Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance during a planning meeting between the new teacher and previous one. In addition, the SENDCo will be available to answer any specific queries or provide updates for the new teacher. Our SENDCo is Miss Holmes, you can reach her via
- Children will also visit their new classrooms and spend some time getting to know the class teacher and teaching assistant. Additional visits can also be arranged for specific children who show anxiety about change and a Transition Book made to help support them.

Lisa Holmes is our school SENCO and can be reached via
What is the SEND Local Offer?
The government has listened to what parents say about their experience of services and have put in place a number of things to bring about improvements. One of these is the ‘Local Offer’. In 2012 the former Children’s Minister Sarah Teather explained that:
“The current system is outdated and not fit for purpose. Thousands of families have had to battle for months, even years, with different agencies to get the specialist care their children need. It is unacceptable they are forced to go from pillar to post, facing agonising delays and bureaucracy to get support, therapy and equipment”.
“It is a huge step forward to require health, education and care services work together. The reforms will give parents better information and a comprehensive package of support that meets their needs”.
Local authorities and other services will set out a local offer of all services available to support children who are disabled or who have SEN and their families. The local offer will enable families to understand what services they can access and what support they can expect from a range of local agencies, including from the local authority, health services, schools, leisure services and the voluntary sector. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.
The potential outcomes of the Local Offer are:
- To provide clarity and confidence for parents;
- To support earlier intervention;
- To reduce the need for assessment;
- To identify need and gaps in provision;
- To provide an evidence base for improving progress and securing better outcomes, at school and local level.
SEND Information Report
All DELTA academies have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting whenever possible, if families want this to happen.
At Simpson’s Lane Primary Academy we believe every pupil with a special educational need or any disability has an entitlement to fulfil his/her full potential. This is achieved by ensuring the wellbeing of all pupils in relation to: being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making positive contributions and achieving social and economic wellbeing.
Simpson’s Lane Primary Academy provides a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum for all children. Teacher set suitable learning challenges and respond to children’s diverse learning needs. Some children have barriers to learning that mean they have a special need which may require particular action by the academy.
Children may have a special educational need at some point during their school career. This policy outlines the planning, identification, assessment and provision needed for any child who experiences difficulties.
Head of Academy : Mr Lee Colley
He is responsible for:
- The day to day management of all aspects of the academy, this includes the support for children with SEN and/or disabilities.
- He will give responsibility to the SENCO and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
- He must make sure that the Academy Advisory Board is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.
AAB Member: Mr David Irving
He is responsible for:
- Making sure that the academy has an up to date SEND Policy.
- Making sure that the setting has appropriate provision and has made necessary adaptations to meet the needs of all children in the school.
- Making sure that the necessary support is made for any child who attends the setting who has SEN and/or disabilities.
- Making visits to understand and monitor the support given to children with SEND in the academy and being part of the process to ensure your child achieves his/her potential during their time at the academy.
How can my children get help at the academy?
Children in the setting will get support that is specific to their individual needs.
This may be all provided by the class teacher or may involve:
- Other staff in the setting.
- Staff who will visit from the Local Authority central services
- Staff who visit from outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service.
You can read our SEN Report in full on our Statutory Information page.