
Science triggers the innate curiosity of our pupils. It allows by allowing them to engage in hands-on, investigative learning. This is done through a question-led, enquiry-based curriculum.
We use over-arching ‘BIG’ questions for each year group. This provides pupils with a foundation to build upon and acquire new knowledge and skills. Pupils are encouraged to ask their own questions within their science topic and follow their own lines of scientific enquiry. Science is seen as much more than a classroom lesson; it is woven into everyday routines within school. Pupils are exposed to and taught about aspirational people within the STEM industry. They are more aware of how science can impact on their local environment.
Our science curriculum meets the needs of our pupils by giving them the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills. It provides opportunities to apply these to their everyday lives. Pupils’ oracy skills are developed through the use of discussion. The introduction of new scientific vocabulary complements this. Pupils’ Science Capital is developed through breaking down STEM stereotypes. we want to create a culture of ‘Science is for Everyone’.
In Nursery, we encourage pupils to notice and explore the world around them including changes in the natural world. Our outdoor area is used to help with this. We explicitly teach the pupils the names of facial features and body parts. We explore similarities and differences between the physical features of the pupils. Throughout provision, pupils are encouraged to sort and group different items. This is done to help them to begin to explore similarities and differences in other things. The pupils explore early investigation skills by predicting and then testing out simple ideas. E.g. Can we keep a snowman forever?
In Reception, pupils explore the world around them. They identify, discuss and recognise changes and patterns amongst living things and their environment. Through continuous provision, pupils have access to scientific equipment. Equipment such as magnets and magnifying glasses encourage first hand exploration and discussion. Pupils in Reception also receive an explicit weekly science lesson. They are exposed to the foundations of scientific concepts. Pupils take part in simple investigations. This equips them with the introductory skills and knowledge for their science journey ahead.
In Key Stage 1, pupils consolidate and build on prior learning by investigating a range of topics. Pupils work in a range of ways to construct and ask simple questions. They make simple observations and learn to use scientific equipment safely and in different ways. Pupils in Key Stage 1 learn how to gather and record their scientific data and start to interpret that of others.
In Key Stage 2, pupils lead their own investigations by using a range of scientific approaches. They interpret, record and share their data in a variety of ways and use this to draw conclusions. Pupils are challenged to prove their scientific knowledge to others through presentational talk. They then use this knowledge to make further predictions for later investigations.
Pupils have the opportunities to explore other additional scientific experiences. This is done through STEM clubs and eco-schools.
Science Intent
Our science curriculum encourages pupils to question the world around them. It promotes excitement and curiosity. We aim to develop pupils’ minds, and scientific knowledge. Through practical experiences, they build up theories and predictions. We encourage them to have the confidence to test and challenge scientific ideas. We want them to understand how scientific developments can change the world we live in.
The science curriculum provides experiences and knowledge of the physical and natural world. This is gained through:
- observing
- pattern seeking
- identifying
- classifying and grouping
- testing
- using scientific research sources.
Pupils learn about how to test their ideas through investigation and form conclusions. Pupils also learn about influential people and how their ideas, or work, have led to the knowledge and concepts that pupils learn. These may be scientists, explorers or conservationists. By learning about these people, pupils can see how the ideas about the world in which we live have been created.
The strands in science are:
- Working scientifically
- Plants
- Living things and their habitats
- Animals, including humans
- Use of everyday materials
- Seasonal changes
- Rocks
- Light
- Forces and magnets
- States of matter
- Sound
- Electricity
- Properties and changes of materials
- Earth and space
- Forces
- Evolution and inheritance
Science Lab
To raise the profile of Science in our academy we have created a brand new Science Lab that children have access to each week. Science lessons are delivered in the lab where they can conduct their science experiments, whilst also getting to see the learning that is happening in other year groups as each year group has their own experiment station set up in the lab. We are excited to develop our budding new scientists.

Children's Comments
We work in groups in science and we can help each other if we don’t understand, then if the whole group doesn’t understand, the teacher will explain it again to us
Rebecca 6SC
We have a wall in the science lab, every year group does, it has facts, pictures and our experiments on the side like a display. We recap what we did last time
Rebecca, Tobias, Timothy & Pearl, 6SC
I enjoy science, we can see changes and it helps us learn
Year 1
Frogspawn is the egg from a frog. A tadpole comes out of it and eats the frogspawn. It is then a froglet with a tiny tail, the tail disappears and it turns into a grown-up frog
Adrian 2CG