Design and Technology

Design and Technology at our academy engages, inspires and challenges pupils. It equips them with the knowledge and skills to design, make, improve and evaluate.
We encourage pupils to use their creativity and imagination. We want them to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. We also aim to make relevant links to designs and designers wherever possible within the curriculum objectives. Throughout our projects, we aim to make links with other subjects such as: mathematics, science, computing and art. This gives the learning purpose.
We teach the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to design and make a product. This is done through a variety of creative and practical activities. Throughout the year, pupils will have the opportunity to use all or some of these design elements:
- Design – with the purpose in mind, pupils will research other designers and explore and develop their own ideas
- Make and Improve – use a wider range of tools and equipment with accuracy. Also use a wider range of materials and components according to their qualities. Time will be allocated to reflect on and improve their designs
- Evaluate – test their ideas and products against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve their work
Pupils in EYFS are encouraged to design, make, evaluate and share their ideas. This could be individually, in a focus group, or as a class project. By the end of EYFS, pupils should feel confident in constructing with a purpose. They should be able to select appropriate resources and mediums to help develop their ideas. Opportunities will be provided to use and master simple tools and techniques to join and assemble materials.
In Key Stage 1, pupils will build on their skills from EYFS to make products, which are functional and appealing for themselves. Pupils will have the opportunity to work on a project over a series of lessons. This will provide the opportunity to explore, make, improve and evaluate. Pupils will perform practical tasks using a range of tools and equipment and select from a range of materials and components.
In Key Stage 2, pupils will build on their skills from Key Stage 1 to produce designs from a range of relevant contexts. Pupils will be encouraged to produce products that are fit for purpose aimed at particular individuals or groups. They will select materials and components according to their functional properties. They will evaluate and make changes to these throughout the process.
It is our intent to provide as many real-life experiences for our pupils. Therefore, we have enrolled in a yearly project with Royal Opera House. This will allow the pupils to design, make, improve and evaluate for a real purpose.
Design and Technology Intent
Our design and technology curriculum encourages pupils to solve real-life problems. They do this through developing their knowledge and practical skills. Through our key drivers, we develop our pupils to be confident risk-takers. Pupils become well-prepared and resourceful.
Our key drivers are:
- Enquiry, skill development, creative and practical learning
- Problem solving through design to make the world a better place
- Building and expanding technological language and knowledge
Pupils learn about past and present technology. They develop an understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. Design and technology provides opportunities to solve meaningful problems. Pupils build the technical skills and knowledge needed to undertake everyday tasks. They become confident in using computer-aided technology. These skills prepare them for our ever-changing advancing world.
Pupils will learn how to create imaginative products with a purpose. They test their design ideas and products. They evaluate them too. They critique their finished product and offer feedback to others. Pupils learn about different engineers, designers, chefs and architects. They learn how their products have changed the world in which we live.
The strands in design and technology are:
- Food and Nutrition
- Construction
- Electrical components
- Mechanical components
- Textiles
Classroom Kitchen
At Simpson’s Lane Academy, we pride ourselves in giving children experiences that will help them be successful in later life. It is for that reason, that we offer our children Class Kitchen sessions. These sessions give our children the opportunity to cook a variety of different healthy foods whilst teaching them life-long cooking skills, that build and progress through each year group. Every child, in Key Stage 1 and 2, have access to these sessions once per half term. As well as getting the chance to cook the array of different recipes, they also learn the nutritional values of the different foods whilst also exposing them to ingredients they wouldn’t usually try at home.
The children are giving the chance to enter into cooking competitions against other schools from around Europe.
As well as Classroom Kitchen session that are delivered within the classroom, we also have our very own Cooking Room within the academy. This space is used to teach small groups of children life long cooking skills. We also use this space to run Cooking Club after school during parts of the academic year.